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I don’t like New Year’s Resolutions.  There, I said it.  I know that makes me sound like a horrible person, so let me explain.   I don’t like that there is one day each year when you are “supposed” to come up with ways to make yourself, your life, your relationships better.   I constantly try to make myself a better person so I don’t feel like I need January 1st to be this monumental day when I suddenly fix (or say I will fix) all of the problems from years past.

That said, I am making a New Year’s resolution this year… And I am posting it here on this blog so that on February 1st you can send me an onslaught of emails if I am not following through with my resolution.   This past year I kept up with this blog- all sneak peeks were posted and I am slowly but surely getting all of the sessions blogged too.   However, I did an ATROCIOUS job of posting pictures of my own family (and sometimes a pretty awful job of even taking them.)  This year I resolve to do a better job.   And with that, I sign myself up for a Project 365… hmm, maybe I should call it a Project 300 to give myself a little leeway.   I am going to attempt to take and post a photo a day- gulp.   Since I missed posting the first 4 days already (does being out of town count as an excuse?!) I now present you with the first 5 days of jessie hearn photography Project 365 (or something close to it!)

You will be able to view the daily images in a gallery called “project 365” (under the “galleries” tab) or by clicking here.   Enjoy!


2504 Prospect Ave

Evanston, IL 60201



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