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JHP Highlights: December 2019

All I can say about December is that it was a good month – filled with family, friends, the holidays and a lot of great sessions. Thanks to everyone that came into the studio, I enjoyed meeting new people and seeing old friends. Here are some highlights of my December sessions.


Family & friendship

There really are no words to describe the impact that this session had on me. Just over a year ago, a dear client/friend of mine was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer, shortly after her third baby was born. In order to save her life, she needed a liver transplant. Through the power of the internet, social media, and wonderful people, she found her match and just months later, she and her donor underwent surgery, in which he donated a portion of his liver to her. During this session, I was given the gift of meeting her donor and his beautiful family. It was a joy and an honor to meet this family and I look forward to sharing many more happy times with them in the future.


In the spotlight

As much as I know we, as parents, value that perfect, “look at the camera and smile” photo, this type of image is always my favorite. I have been photographing this family for years, and at this session, I met big bros new baby sis. I adored that when he had a few minutes to shine in the spotlight, he totally hammed it up.


Glittery tuxedos!

Bubbles and tuxedos. Need I say more? I love that even with formal wear, these adorable brothers were allowed to just be kids. This one definitely makes me smile every time I see it.


Glittery feet!

December was FULL of glitter sessions (that I am still finding in random places around my house). And every time I wonder “How in the world did the glitter end up HERE?” I will just look at these images and remember that kids were encouraged to throw, blow, stomp, and dance with glitter. And yet I am still surprised when I find a piece of glitter inside the fridge.



I feel like the emotion just flows out of this image. Pregnancy, that beautiful time in life when you are full of life and excitement and anticipation for that moment when you will FINALLY meet that little bundle who has been kicking you, stabbing you in the ribs, and using your bladder as a trampoline for months.


Welcoming baby

This image just feels so very full of love. This is one of those moments that feels like you imagined it, even just a few weeks later. The newborn phase is so quick (and so very sleep deprived) that it seems impossible to hold on to the tiny details. I love that our newborn sessions give me the chance to capture these moments so that you can cling onto them forever (especially when you have an 11-year-old who basically rolls her eyes at everything you say, for example).


Acting and modeling

This gorgeous girl came to the studio for some modeling/acting headshots and we had so much fun. Besides being beautiful, she really has a big, giant heart and I loved watching her confidence grow as she relaxed and allowed her personality to shine through. Headshots don’t just have to be for adults, did you know that?

I’ll be posting a compilation of photos on my blog every month, so check back every month or signup to receive them.


2504 Prospect Ave

Evanston, IL 60201



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