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an oztastic halloween.

Wishing you all an Oztastic Halloween… Full of lots of fun, laughter, and Snickers bars (and if you don’t like ’em, send ’em my way!)

halloween1 Would you like a few tips to help you capture excellent images of your little ghouls, ghosts and goblins?

  1.  Don’t save the picture taking until Halloween day.   Grab your camera BEFORE the actual day… your kiddos will be thrilled to try out their costumes early and they will be much more likely to look at the camera if you aren’t forcing them to do so while they gaze longingly across the street at all of the neighborhood kids sprinting from door to door.
  2. To make sure you get some great pictures, get outside early in the day and turn off your flash. Try to find a shady spot when taking outdoor pictures so that your child is not squinting in the photos. A bright flash (or the sun) causes children to squint, close their eyes, and act unnatural. Try turning off your flash and click away. If you are in a darker setting and you must use your flash, make sure to stay within 6 to 10 feet of your children (“Flash Range”).
  3. Taking pictures of your child from their level will make your photographs seem much more real. Don’t be afraid to get on the ground (try sitting or kneeling) and keep the camera at your child’s eye level. Your little pumpkin will be much more likely to smile if you aren’t towering above them, and the pictures will be much more flattering.
  4. Don’t forget to zoom in! Capture little details of their costumes; their feet, hands, shoes, masks, capes, and more! Let your pictures tell your child’s entire Halloween story!
Here are a few more images of my Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Wicked Witch.  Just so you all know, my Wicked Witch of the West is NOT angry at me for taking her picture (which is a nice change of pace, since she is usually running away from the camera).  She is simply playing into her character.   And for those of you who know my kids, their costumes are VERY fitting this year, aren’t they? 😉



2504 Prospect Ave

Evanston, IL 60201



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